Saturday, July 7, 2007

House Party at C-17-14

The house party planned/thought/wish-to-have by most of us, but taken-action/voiced-out by Wendy...!

Some warming up, please.

Look at Funk's face, he so excited!

Aren't we supposed to have a party?? No DotA, please!

Aw man, look at this shit... 2 bottles of special edition 1-litre Black Label, finished?! Things are just getting hot...

Awh, this tastes so good.

Alright, party's almost over; and it's the girls' turn to drink

All the ladies in the house...

...are hot!

Snooker table has been cleaned, smoke cleared and dusts settled...

Testing 1, 2...

...3! Look at Funk's face... again! How cute!

If you think that's not enough...

...take a look at the rest. I wonder where he got those moves from.

It had been an enjoyable night/morning for all of us, I hope. At least I did... Salute to the participants: Wendy, Lam Mun, Alan 1.0, Alan 2.0, Hitler, Funk, God Father, Black, Snaike (m.i.a.?), Kan & Yee Teng.

Ya'll won't know how much it means to me, this kind of chances don't just come and go. It's just plain cool we managed to catch it this time, altogether. Hopefully there'll be plenty of these enjoyable moments for all of us, God bless!

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