Thursday, June 28, 2007

Long Journey

Wow, I'm feeling the Thursday blues... luckily they're sending me out, I would rather be dead than staying at the office. And guess what, they're sending me to Tg. Karang. What a long way to go... it took me almost 2 hours.

What does this look like to you? Sunny weather, small trunk roads & coconut trees.

Had to drive slowly all the way, cause some folks told there are plenty of speed traps. Then, I saw this Police watch tower, I think along the Sg. Buloh stretch. I don't think they built this thing to bust speeding cars, do they?

Alright, finally, I was at my destination. The workshop was just sitting by a speeding corner, and I nearly missed it. How am I supposed to park my car at such a narrow and dangerous corner? Plus, the vehicles behind me are speeding, and they won't be able to see me. WTH...

Went to the office, grabbed some documents and was ready to survey the car , only to find out that the garage where the car supposed to be at was at another spot. After taking some directions from the clerk, I made my way to the garage, by foot; it was about 20 meters away, no big deal.

Living next door to a garage... now how would that feel? The foreman next door?

A so-called garage under some self-made zinc ataps... Cool! At least it was airy. The owner/driver of this car was said to have avoided a dog wandering at the middle of the road at night, then lost control and hit a road sign post. Kind of lucky to get away with such minor damages.

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